Today was... sad. But you know, we get over these things. It started when I woke up and I hurt, but I was expecting that I guess because Becca and I had done a really crazy work out the day before, we did it all. But also, I never drink water and I was completely dehydrated and that makes me hurt too! So I got up, and Pearce made me pancakes which was AWESOME so that sorta negated the bad, and I took our offbrand tylenol. But then came the news....
Ok, so let's be real, this was sorta inevitable, and I hardly watched any of those shows because I was always nervous he would get eaten or something. It just seems so crazy to me... animals do not reason... they aren't really all that predictable I guess. Not that I have so much experience with wild animals, but I'm just saying, animals cannot be expected to act like people. We have the ability to think, to rationalize, to have "morals"... or at least some of us... and so this is terrible and sad, but you know, he was basically asking for it every day of his too short life!!!!
Sorry if that seems really cold hearted and cruel. I am upset about it because he was an singular personality, and he was a husband and a father, but there are people who die from starvation, war, etc..., things out of their control.... so it just makes me sort of unsure about how I feel. It's all so far away, it seems like a movie character that wasn't real anyway got killed, and and and...
I really want to laugh at this situation, but that is so mean, and apparently I am really mean and critical, and I WANT TO WORK ON IT. It is a personal goal of mine to be less awful. And this would be a good time to start but...
Right, so here goes something that could be touching or mocking. But it is definitely mocking, but someone else made it, not me, Erik just sent it to me earlier... And I mean...

That is terrible. TERRIBLE. Sorry. It just made me think about a lot of things, like humor and what is funny and when it is ok to laugh about things. And mock things... Is it ok to mock death? Even if it is such a rediculous death? Because if we all took that so seriously, would we implode? Everyone is going to die, and I guess Steve Irwin at least enjoyed toying with having some control over it. How many times can a person not die before he has to die?
Wow enough of that, it stopped making sense. Really I just wanted to make fun of it, then I had an attack of conscience, and so I had to write a lot of stuff to make myself seem less cruel and callous.
Anyway, later we were supposed to have a picnic, and so we went to the park, but it was FULL, duh, and all the grills and pavilions were taken, and it was raining. So we were like Ef this! and we got fried chicken and beer and ate in our kitchen. We were waiting for the rain to stop so we could play croquet, but it never stopped, and so we drank and got tired and watched tennis and dirty jobs, and talked some, but it was pretty sad. SAD SAD SAD. And then for the rest of the night I very slowly graded a few exams, but mostly didn't, and Pearce and I played around. It was actually pretty great having him for the whole day, so I mean, I shouldn't be so complainy/whiny, but I just am so deal with it.
Mike Rowe is sexy:

I think a pattern of me being into slightly nerdy, hairy, older men is emerging. First Scott Bakula, now this. Hot!
O, hi! When did you get here? Leaving so soon? I would too because this is a CrAPPY POST BECAUSE LIKE I SAID TODAY IS SAD.