It was way too easy to do this, and that is usually a bad sign because that means any idiot could worm her way in. Like me for instance. But yeah, usually hate it when you talk about the blog, the means of communication where you should just be communicating something.
I honestly have nothing to communicate though. At the moment at least. But maybe something exciting will happen and I will suddenly need to share it with everyone, potentially. Everyone being literally the potential EVERYONE. Or anyone, or no one. It all falls under that heading even if the direct meanings are opposites.
I will probably want to write about books, movies, music, fashion. Stressful things, rants, happiness, comedy, tragedy. Hair removal, bodily functions, cooking, adventures. I probably won't write very much. Or maybe I will depending

What happens is this: I finally have stuff I need to be doing, and so instead of doing that I start a side project o' procrastination which I can use to avoid the other work. Brilliant! That way I will never be useful and it will take me many days to complete a task that should take only hours. Sigh.
But trust me, I have really awesome taste AND I am known to be hilarious and likeable. I bet I get celebrity status in like 4 weeks tops. A dream come true! (both for me and any potential readers and friends!) As you can see from this very flattering picture, I have exciting hair that has the potential to be HUGE, though I think I've got it under control. Actually, I can't take full credit for this, because Elaine used a comb to tease it up like that so we could do my hair for my Prince costume. It didn't just happen, but you know, I have to perpetuate the myth.
So I'm gonna go to bed now, but DEFINITELY bookmark this baby and come back to check because... well... umm.... my life is very... interesting? and you will enjoy reading the silly things I write and looking at my silly pictures and checking out the links I will collect and put here. It will be such a fun time! <3
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