That was the sound of boredom.
O RIGHT! Let me catch it up on the last few weeks. I moved and did not have internet access for a while, and I suffered. Because suddenly I was not living with 3 ladies, only a floor or building away from many friends. Pearce and I live in a basement in Historic Capitol View, which is PRECIOUS and lovely and nice, but rather lonesome during the day when he works and I do nothing. Sigh. But yeah, it's been pretty awesome playing house and being "the little woman."
So yeah, that has been going on. I have been doing things though, don't worry. We live right near the Rock Creek Park which is lovely, and also right near the mormon disneyland!!
I will definitely go on a tour at some point - how could I possibly resist that? But then again, I am such a pushover, I would probably end up getting converted, then be really disappointed in myself later. Meh. Maybe not... religion is SUCH a time eater... all that praying and stuff...
Yesterday I went to King's Dominion with Lauren and her boyfriend and his roommate and had SO MUCH FUN! But I think all those old rollercoasters left me with mild brain damage. I felt hungover this morning, like I had spent a night drinking heavily. It was weird, but I guess that makes sense, almost. It was totally worth it. See, those old bumpy, wooden, rickety-ass rollercoasters have no head support AT ALL and we all got beaten, badly. It's surprising more people don't end up with their spinal cord breaking away from their brain. After rollercoastering, we attempted the waterpark... which was closing. But we still managed to go down some sketchy slides, into sketchier pools... The water was brownish. Not very encouraging. My favorite thing about amusement parks is that it really is a slice of America - the massive number of obese people, the diversity, the trash. The best thing about it is that they always somehow manage to import europeans, etc. to work at these parks. First of all, the parks are in the middle of no where. Second of all, is it really fair to expose these people to this "slice of America" in such full force? HA, sucks for them.
Also, we had a surprise goodbye party for ChrisBoyd, and we ended up going swimming at his neighbor's amazing pool in clothing because it was a sort of spur-of-the-moment decision. They had a waterfall with a grotto underneath, diving board, hot tub, basketball net, AND A SLIDE! I am SUCH a fan of waterslides. That was a good way to say bye, but I am still pretty sad. It's cool though, because I will have more reasons to go visit NY and even stay in Greenwich Village. Sweeet. Also, I had this daytrip to Philadelphia to do some work there, and that was pretty excellent. Except that I was totally exhausted from actually working, so I fell asleep at 8pm on a Friday. Great.
Due to the brain damage, I can't remember too much of anything between now and the last post. I didn't see Snakes on a Plane. I did see Little Miss Sunshine which WAS A REALLY GOOD MOVIE! Probably the best movie I've seen all year. No lie!
So all in all, I live somewhere else now, and I want to have people over to see it, and so far it's been working out. And then Grad school starts on the 30th, which is surprisingly sooner than I thought. Blech.
Until next time,
all you asian girls.
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