When Pearce got home we did my Yoga DVD together!! HAHA How funny is that? but really it's pretty cool that he's cool with doing that. I mean he is a pretty manly guy and the fact that he is doing yoga... awesome. It's the best thing though, especially after a lot of sitting and stressing. That was pretty nice - we bonded over our inflexibility and he only poked me in the butt once even though we were bending over with our asses up in the air for half the time.
So here's the fun part (and sad part sorta):
Pearce had been saying he got me the best holiday gift ever ever and he ordered it online and had been all secretive about it, because to him the surprise of presents is KEY. Then on Tuesday I got home to see this big box with a picture of a sewing machine and the words "SINGER sewing Machine" on our door step. So I was like Oooo no. Because it was not official holiday gift giving time yet and so his big surprise was ruined. Not that I was disappointed in the gift (WHICH IS TOTALLY AWESOME AND I WILL TALK ABOUT THAT IN A MOMENT), but I was sad because he was so excited to give it to me and see my face when I first saw it, and he wasnt even there when I got home and saw the box. So you can imagine, it was semi-ruined. BUT anyway,
tonight we tried to figure out how it works. I mean I know how sewing machines work in general, but this one was pretty fancy, and not the same as the one I am familiar with, so Pearce helped me make it work. (PROJECT RUNWAY REFERENCE). SO NOW I can sew whenever I feel like it!!! I don't have to go home to mommy anymore! I am my own woman! O man but seriously, it is so fun, and it means I can make myself a number of ugly and simplistic dresses, shirts and skirts!!! And when halloween comes around again next year, I will be all set to make something rather than just going to GoodWill or SalvAr! AND even better, I can make stockings for Christmas instead of having to buy a hideous one from Target or something! Hooray!
After unlocking the mysteries of my new sewing machine, we decided that I needed to sew SOMETHING so we pulled out one of Pearce's giant free t-shirts that is even too big for him to wear seriously and I recycled it into a chic (aka amateur) t-shirt for me. HAHA YES! But there is no extra fabric really, so I am just looking at the sewing machine with longing.
The second good part of my day was that I won these amazing slouchy Zodiac boots on ebay for only $13.99!!!!!
My bum day was highlighted by the fact that I did not bathe. I mean I guess that's ok, especially since I am letting my hair grow out and I don't want to ruin it with lots of washing. And when I say "letting my hair grow out" I am being literal, because it seems to get bigger as it gets longer. I think I am going to donate it or something. They could make like 2 wigs! Anyway, I am sitting here now still wearing yoga clothes and being sorta greasy. Tomorrow I am going to do things! I will get up earlyish, shower, and then go to Joann Fabrics to get some fabrics for some stockings and other fun. Then to the gym! Hmm.. now I am having second thoughts about this because I am going out with Naomi tomorrow night and that means I would need to shower again after the gym... hmm. This is bad! DAMN my dirtiness. Ok that probably means that I will shower now right before bed. That could be nice. Middle of the night shower... Then I could do something wacky with my hair like braid it or something! Because I am not going to dry it with the blowdryer, no matter how freezing I am. Wow I am so glad I decided to be boring and write about my schedule because see how I uncover all these logistical problems?
I always feel the need to apologize for doing this. [by "doing this" I mean blogging] So here it is:
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