Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Voted

Last month I got a letter in the mail scolding me for committing voter fraud.  Oops!  So maybe I voted twice, but aren't there lots of dead people voting all the time?  Shouldn't they have some sort of zombie hunting team committed to the cause of stopping these nightwalkers from infiltrating our ballot boxes?

The whole ordeal was really stupid, and the fact that I actually received some sort of acknowledgment in the mail is really impressive.  For some reason, I got stung by the voting bug right before the 2010 midterm election, and I was totally pumped to vote.  Maryland is a state of mostly Democrats, especially where I live, and I planned to vote with the majority.  So basically, my vote would be largely unimportant.  Whatever, I was into it!!   I was damn sure I wanted to vote, but I also was damn sure that I wouldn't be waiting around at my local elementary school in some long line.  I actually registered to vote and even signed up for the absentee ballot ON TIME!  And I even filled it out, and sent it out, ON TIME!  I made all the deadlines, some kind of first for me.

Just as my fingers released the ballot into the community mailbox slot, beyond the point of retrieval, I realized:  I didn't put a stamp on my ballot. 

Womp Womp.

O shit! Will they deliver it or will it go directly to the trash?  There was no return address!!  It needed postage!  OMG!!!!

I freaked out and frantically called the election people. They calmed me down, and said they weren't sure what would happen, but that I could go vote in person too.  So on voting day, I went to the local elementary school and awkwardly explained my situation, and made them promise that I wouldn't commit voter fraud.  I filled out my specialized second ballot, which was different from the normal ballot, probably because they sensed that my vote was important, and not because I was mentally unstable.  This all seemed VERY IMPORTANT TO ME!   I was determined to get my vote on.

Whatever.  So that happened, and then I promptly forgot about it/blocked it out because my overzealous voting fervor was pretty embarrassing by Wednesday morning.

Then I got this letter in the mail!!! That means that...
  1. The postal service delivered mail without postage!
  2. The elderly citizens who counted votes were actually paying attention?!?!
Anyway, it is all very surprising, as I personally know about the ridiculous inefficiency of our beloved government.  Plus, I took AP Government in High School.  Pearce keeps trying to throw away the letter, but I won't let him. I really think it deserves to be preserved so I will remember the year I voted twice, and so I will remind myself that voting at midterm elections in Maryland is a total waste of time.

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