Sunday, November 20, 2011


Due to your many desperate requests that I bring the beloved blog back to life, here I am! Last night I was laying in bed, drunk, flat on my back, and I had this idea that when laying flat on my back in bed I felt like _____. Someone. Something. Whatever it was that is now a blank was REALLY hilarious to me, and I remember repeating it to myself like 6 times in an attempt to remember it, and I remember also thinking "This is so hilarious! This will be the first thing I write about when I start my blog again!"

Of course, I have literally no idea what it was that was so funny. I briefly thought that I should write it down, a la that episode of Seinfeld (The Heart Attack) that was on the other day with a Larry David cameo as a mad scientist on some sci-fi movie on Jerry's TV...

"Look, Sigmund. Look in the sky. The planets are on fire. It is just as you prophesied. The planets of our solar system, incinerating. Like flaming globes, Sigmund, like flaming globes!"

...but I don't usually keep a pad of paper or writing utensil handy, and I was basically on the verge of blacking out where the thought alone of actual physical movement is too much. It is really good that I had driven myself home only 20 minutes or so before passing out like that. Excellent decision making.*

Anyyyyyway, the point is, last night around 4AM, I had an amazing idea for a first post, and now I don't. So this hungover mess is my lackluster re-emergence into the world of sending out nothing to the nothing. The following items will be covered in short succession, hopefully with some illustrations:
Are we still friends?

*I don't condone drunk driving and I should clarify that I wasn't really drunk drunk when I drove home. I like to front load my evening with a few shots early on, and then dance a lot while holding a prop (in this case can of gross warm PBR, most of which I spilled on myself and others, and hardly any of which I actually drank) to discourage people from buying me more drinks. So really, I was just exhausted and dehydrated, which is also not a great way to drive yourself anywhere, but I was definitely within the legal driving limits! End scene.

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