In true awesome style, I am making post numero dos! And YOU are SOOO HAPPY!! So... I am in my apartment... the last few weeks before the lease is up. It's been 2 years! And the filth and crap I've accumulated are certainly going to be a pain to clean up and move. I wouldn't say I'm a hoarder, I'm just extremely lazy, and there is definitely a difference.
I have been re-perusing my copy of The Area of My Expertise by John Hodgman (a book I highly recommend to anyone with a sense of humor), and was considering to make this a website purely of lies! But of course, that would have to start at the third post, because I've already been too forthcoming with the truth here. At the same time, I could just sprinkle some lies in every so often, but then I was thinking that I don't have a very good grasp on lies versus truth... especially about things happening presently because events of the past can be so open to opinion and personal interpretation. It's not that I have no morals, it's that I have this deadly combination of a guilty conscience, extreme self doubt, and a background in mathematics and engineering. Allow me to explain:
- Guilty Conscience: Though I ALWAYS try to do the right thing, I always feel like I am letting someone down, I always feel like things are my fault when in reality they are absolutely not. It's the jewish guilt, obviously. Because of this there is always a part of me that suspects that I am lying, even when I am not lying, and I know I am trying my hardest to be competely truthful.
- Self Doubt: I constantly think I'm wrong and so that makes me think that when I say things that could potentially be matters of opinion, I am not being honest because my response is not correct. I think I have a problem recognizing the difference between lies and statements that are not 100% factual. It's really complicated and boring too.
- Math & Engineering: In math there is only 1 correct answer, and every other answer is incorrect, unless it's like a plus/minus or an imaginary number thing, &tc., but you get my point. In engineering sometimes you fudge stuff because you quickly realize that you can't get math formulas to completely predict what happens in real life. And so sometimes engineering drives me nuts because it seems so ridiculous to have an exact numerical answer or whatever when there are these staggering margins of error...
As I was saying, John Hodgman is totally awesome. He has been a correspondent for the Daily Show, and now he does these commercials for Apple I think. Plus he wrote this astonishingly hilarious book which I highly recommend to you, as I mentioned earlier before my boring tangent. I wrote him an email because I wanted to play his recording of the 700 Hobo Names on the radio, and I thought that I might be breaking some sort of copyright infringement, but I played it anyway before he responded. But then he did write back, and it was super cool because it was almost like meeting a celebrity. Or not exactly at all, but I was pretty pleased about it. He might have been too because getting emails from me is almost the same as getting emails from celebrities. So I played those hobo names, not all 700 of course, but it was still pretty funny. And the other day, someone must have found the cd because it was sitting on the shelf in the studio.
Now I am going because I really want some iced coffee. Once not long ago I got the largest size of iced coffee offerred, and then I peed like 7 times in 2 hours. That might even be an understatement. I probably have the smallest bladder ever. Sometimes I won't drink for days because I get so sick of peeing. Pretty gross! That's me.
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