Thursday, April 28, 2011


As an addition to yesterday's post, Becca felt that Sleep Apnea might also be the NEXT BIG EPIDEMIC TO STRIKE OUR NATION! But hmm I am not sure if that can really hold a candle to obesity. Especially since a lot of times, sleep apnea is caused by being a gigantic fat ass - your heft is actually smothering you as you sleep. Gross! To be fair, my father has it, but he could certainly stand to lose some weight. He has one of those darth vadar masks he sleeps in. I am sure my mom loves waking up to that.

I'm racking my brain for my opinions on the up and coming health scare that will have all of the USA flipping our shit and giving our children complexes... but nothing really comes to mind. I guess that means fear of the fat will stick with us for a while longer. That is to say, if I can't think of anything else, THERE IS NOTHING ELSE!

O right! Tomorrow is the Royal Wedding! Maybe I will get around to painting my nails! How are those two things related? They aren't!

I have been drinking tea though, in celebration, for the past few years.

Did you know that there is a recipe for chicken where you actually get a food processor and toss in some raw strips of bacon and make BACON PASTE then you slather that shit on your chicken? Well, that recipe does exist, and it was prepared for me tonight, and it was awesome. I actually got to stir the bacon paste, and it was something I hope to do again. I don't even like bacon, but i do enjoy pastes. paste paste paste.

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