Sunday, May 08, 2011

Watching Documentaries: Intro

Happy Mother's Day!

Sort of recently, some of our friends forced us to watch King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters.  At first I was like O HELL NO!  But after only a few minutes of watching, I was totes hooked. That movie is freaking amazing, and now I try to get every single person I know to watch it too. I'm such a pusher. First RuPaul's Drag Race, and now this.  By the way, you should realllly watch RuPaul's Drag Race!! IT IS SO GREAT!

King of Kong proves that reality (or edited reality) is so much more hilarious than anything you can make up. As a result, I am going to watch some more documentaries, and maybe write about them.  It's not like I haven't seen and loved other documentaries (Grey Gardens, Wordplay, Spellbound, This Movie is Not Yet Rated, Murderball, Jesus Camp, Boys of Baraka), but it's been a while since I have seen one I really loved as much as King of Kong.  Here is the list of movies I plan to watch so far:

1. The Rock-afire Explosion!  You can watch it too!
This movie looks pretty bad-ass.  Remember those scary anamatronic bands at like Party on Pizza or whatever your local version of that was?  This is somehow an entire movie about them.  I'm not 100% sure what it is about, but that will probably make things more fun.

2. Paris is Burning.  Given my obsession with drag queens, this is a perfect selection! I have actually seen bits of it in a class in college, but now I feel that I am ready to experience all the T and realness.

Followed by:

3. The Devil and Daniel Johnston
4. Exit Through the Gift Shop
5. Devil's Playground
6. Joan River's: A Piece of Work
7. Anvil: The Story of Anvil
8. Man on Wire
9. Air Guitar Nation
10. Darkon (thanks AHo!)

Not necessarily in that order either.  And not necessarily any time soon, because (1) it is certainly going to be a tough sell to get Pearce to watch these with me and (2) it is the SUMMER!  That means we will be busy  doing summery things!  Like being outside, for instance, and not inside watching movies.

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