Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cool Things!

The internet is an infinite pool of stupid shit and hilarious cats, so here is a small compilations of the things that I have encountered in the past few days.

This is a baby dressed as a shrimp.  It gives new meaning to the oxymoron "jumbo shrimp," but in a really dumb way.  Is it someone's idea of a pun? A pun in the way that babies are kinda pink and tasty, with a hard shell and squishy heads, and they sometimes have that string off poop up their backs that you have to pick out before you eat them.  
It makes my womb ache in a way that resembles a shellfish allergy.

Amazing BoomBox Watch! (PS my birthday is March 17th, but I will accept early Xmas/Channukah gifts at any time past my half-birthday)

Someone is actually going through each episode of the Cosby Show and selecting the best sweaters/clothing, and then drawing a sample of the pattern.

Have you ever been in love?  This isn't really new at all, it is more something that pops into my head every so often from way back in the early/mid 00's when I was in college and these kinds of things were all the rage. I have no clue what it is about or where it came from, but it sure is one heck of a song! 

You can actually get a shirt with a copy of Barack Obama's birth certificate on it! FROM THE BARACK OBAMA REELECTION CAMPAIGN!!  
I already got mine.  This is pretty brilliant as a marketing strategy.

I assume no one has ever seen this show unless they live with someone who falls asleep watching "Bikini Destinations."  There is this channel called HDNet that is owned Mark Cuban, the bajillionaire who also owns the Dallas Mavericks.  He REALLY loves boobies. Or so I assume.  You know you are watching classy television when 90% of the programming features T&A.  However, I stumbled across Madam Svet by chance, and she is so amazing.  It makes me want to open my own House of Discrete Pleasures. 

That's all for now!

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